The Beloved Fire by Chelsii Klein

The Blurb & The Story:

Mikayla has been stalked by the supernatural all her life. They've waited patiently for her 21st birthday. When her one night of freedom goes wrong. Purgatory is where she is taken and she soon discovers the real identities of the dream walking twins, Blake and James. They aren't her only problem. In her new captive realm, she discovers the very real existence of Angels, Demons, and the Magical.

Purgatory, a mansion filled with endless hallways and doors leading into any soul's greatest nightmares, is run by one irritatingly handsome Anock, Prince of Hell. Finding a way out may not be her only problem once she discovers why the supernatural is after her soul. She will have to put attractions aside if she's to make it through this game. The world she never knew existed now lays at her feet. However; Purgatory is just the beginning.

My Take:

The Beloved Fire is the debut novel and also 1st book in The Beloved Series written by Chelsii Klein.

I was just amazed when I started reading this book which is filled with creativity and a well-crafted storyline that is just amazing.

And starting from the start this book is very well written, which will take any reader to a whole new realm, a realm that the author  Chelsii Klein has created and described it with minor details.

The author Chelsii Klein has used a great deal of imagination and research for writing this beautiful and engaging story, that I'm sure once you start, it will be the best thing that you would be reading and you will love this book if you enjoy the mystery and mythological stories.

The book is written in lucid language and full of creativity which made the book easy to imagine and exciting to read. The characters, mythological creatures like the demons & angels, the realms, the emotions everything is described wonderfully and leaving just enough suspense that will keep you curious to know what will happen next. The book is very gripping and has a very intriguing storyline, that I just don't have words to say.

The narration of the book is done in a smart and sassy way, that you will enjoy till the end. 

The highlight of the book is that as you move ahead in the story, along with the character you will start to feel excited too. The express of emotions is powerfully crafted, that I found myself lost into the realm and just like Mikayla. Just like her, I wanted to run away from the feeling after seeing Prince of Hell or to just get out of Purgatory, a mansion filled with endless hallways and doors that will take you to anyone's soul's nightmares.  And after this I can't wait to read the 2nd book, I also can't imagine what the next book will be holding.

Overall a must-read book and a very exciting series with a fascinating storyline. I would recommend this to every non-fiction lovers to read this. So click here and read now The Beloved Fire1st book in The Beloved Series written by Chelsii Klein.


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